5 ways to turn procrastination into productivity 

Even the most motivated people can procrastinate from time to time. Procrastination can be described as the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. Whilst procrastination is common it can ultimately leave us feeling stressed and can even interfere with our performance at work. 

A UK survey of 865 office workers has revealed that, on average, people are spending 122 minutes a day procrastinating.

We’ve put together 5 tips on how to turn procrastination into productivity. 

1. Know your goals 

Writing down the specific task you’ve been putting off helps you get focused. This could be a ‘To do’ list. Having set goals makes it easier to stay motivated and accomplished. Writing things down has been proven to reduce stress and organizing your tasks with a list can make everything much more manageable and make you feel grounded.

2. Start with the most unpleasant tasks

Once the daunting and unpleasant tasks are out the way the rest of your day will seem easier in comparison. Research suggests that positivity lends itself to productivity and that you’re most productive when you’ve had a good start to the day. Getting stressful tasks ticked off your to-do list first gives a sense of accomplishment and self gratification, which helps you to stay productive and motivated for the rest of the day. 

3. Reward yourself

Give yourself something to work towards. This can be what you need to keep you motivated and get your work done. Setting yourself small incentives makes it easier to keep going. Knowing a reward is waiting on the other side of a stressful task has been proven to increase productivity and motivation. It could be as simple as treating yourself to your favourite food at lunch, or deciding you’re going to treat yourself to a take away for dinner. 

4. Get organised 

Part of the reason we procrastinate is because we find work too overwhelming or we don’t feel in control. To stop procrastinating, bring your mind back to the present moment and look at what you can control. By breaking a task down into simpler and smaller steps you can be more productive, this could be by planning your week ahead. Creating clear and simple weekly plans for the upcoming week will help you stay organised and in control of your time.

5. Change your environment 

Different environments have different impacts on our productivity. As most of us are now working from home it can sometimes be hard to differentiate your working environment from your home. Research suggests living rooms and bedrooms are the least productive places to work as these places are intended for sleep and relaxation, so it is best to set up a desk area in your kitchen or dining room to ensure you maintain a work-life balance. 

Here at Each Person, we offer ways to reward and recognise your people and make employees feel more valued and appreciated at work. 

We help businesses provide perks at work for their employees  including employee vouchers, by showing them appreciation in a positive and engaging way.

Ecards are a simple and effective method to send a motivating message to a colleague and say thank you for your hard work. Ecards can even be personalised to meet your company’s branding and ethos making it all the more personal.

To find out more about how Each Person can improve your rewards and recognition scheme, visit eachperson.com or contact us at info@eachperson.com.